The four video games we’re looking forward to most this autumn

For the busy man, self-care is of vital importance. Many cook, others read. Some of us game – and the powers that be have come up trumps with this quartet of titles that’ll see us through to spring. GAME has added an extra incentive with a series of exclusive special editions. Here’s how we’ll be spending our Sundays…

Assassin’s Creed Origins

Having already spent time in locations as diverse as Renaissance Florence and Revolutionary Boston, fans of Ubisoft’s adventure series better clue up on their hieroglyphs, as the latest game sees you relocating to ancient Egypt to unlock the secretive backstory of the Assassin’s Brotherhood. This open-world exploration of pyramids, pharaohs and papyrus is possibly the most addictive history lesson this side of a Drunk History episode. Pre-order it quick before it comes out on 27 October and get the GAME-exclusive Tribal Pack goodies, which includes weaponry and an equine accompaniment that’ll make you the envy of every god going.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

One for the alternate-history buff in your life – which is actually you, don’t lie – The New Colossus sees an occupied Sixties America on the brink of destruction. In Bethesda’s hyper-kinetic and incredibly upfront shooter, only you, BJ Blazkowicz, AKA ‘Terror-Billy’, a notorious killer and scourge of the Nazi empire, can turn back time. And you can only do that with the assistance of the kind of arsenal that would make Napoleon blush. Think of it as world-saving stress relief. With lots of Nazis. And guns. Pre-orders of The New Colossus before its release on 27 October entitle the buyer to exclusive DLC and a special Terror-Billy figurine.

Call Of Duty: WWII

Like your first-person shooters intense, harrowing and historically accurate? You are in luck, as after almost a decade of both Cold War and future combat, Call Of Duty publisher Activision has decided to set its telescopic sniper sights on the Second World War, with the game returning to its roots in stunning fashion. If you’ve already watched that The World At War box set 10 times over, why not actually do your bit for the future of humanity and get stuck in properly? If you’re anything like us, the idea of playing out D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge on a dismal Tuesday is gaming heaven. And yes, before you ask, the Nazi Zombies are back. All GAME pre-orders before 3 November come bundled with the Divisons Pack, which allows you to choose from five iconic Second World War divisions each with specific training and weapon skills.

Super Mario Odyssey

It’s testament to his continued popularity among all types of gamers that Nintendo’s resident Italian’s made hopping down sewage pipes while consistently losing the love of his life look so entertaining for nearly 40 years. Mario’s lavish, lush and larger-than-life inaugural outing on Nintendo’s new console, Switch, looks like one of the most impressive platform games of the past few years, and his iconic appearance in a globe-trotting sandbox environment is the stuff that gaming dreams are made of. New moves, new settings, vintage Mario magic. Slide a snappy pre-order in now with GAME before its release on 27 October and you’ll receive a limited-edition Super Mario Odyssey hat.

Complete your gaming library

Any serious gaming collection wouldn’t be complete without the above four titles, but there are hundreds more out there that deserve your attention. So why not trade in all your unwanted games, consoles and phones to save you some money on your new haul.

Pre-order these titles in-store or at

Win big with GAME

If you’re anything like us here at Shortlist, you’re probably already hovering over the “Add to basket” button on for all the titles we’ve talked about above. Having the games is great and all, but you’re going to need something to actually play them on, right?

The good news is that we’ve teamed up with GAME to give away a prize that’ll have one lucky winner feeling like every Christmas Day of their life’s been rolled into one shiny package—a 500GB Xbox One S.


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