What’s your favorite Android feature?


More than any other mobile operating system out there, Android has felt like a developer’s experiment unleashed into the real world, to get continuous, real-time feedback in an effort to make it the best possible OS available. Google’s mobile OS has come such a long way, with plenty of rough patches and hurdles over the years, to become what it is today.

Android has become the “standard” when it comes to mobile operating systems. Unless a company builds its own OS, Android is the go-to choice. BlackBerry, which is still one of the biggest names as far as branding goes, is now all-in with Android. Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, and many other companies have banked their livelihoods on the strength of Android, and being able to build upon the groundwork that Google has laid out.

And it’s worked! Though, for some it’s worked better than for others. Still, Android has come a long way. It no longer feels like it’s a developer’s pet project, but has reached the level of truly stable, feature-rich, and powerful OS. There’s a lot to like in Android, even if you’re using  adevice that boasts a proprietary user interface that tries, to some degrees of success, to hide Android under its digital threads.

And of course Google’s going to continue to make things even better.

With Android N right around the corner, some of the new features that Google could include in the new software are starting to surface ahead of their official unveiling. One of those is a 3D Touch-like feature, which allows someone to swipe down on an app’s icon and get pertinent information from it. Getting the weather from swiping down on a weather app would be pretty fantastic, and save time in a meaningful way.

Android is definitely going to keep getting better, and leading up to the big unveil for its next major version I can’t help but wonder about the features right now, the things that people are using on their smartphones and tablets this very moment, that make them love their Android device so much. What feature, or features, on your Android device keep you coming back to Google’s operating system, and staying away from the competition? Let me know!

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