Go Nuts – It’s Always a Good Idea 

Nuts are great. They are a fun snack – easy to eat, quick, not messy, and crunchy too! Yes, they are high in fat but hold on, let’s talk about the good stuff (because there’s a lot).


To Begin With, What Are Nuts? 

You probably already know this already, but nuts are the seed kernels of trees that are encased in a hard shell. They are packed with nutrients and are often quite tasty. Some popular nuts are almonds, cashews, macadamia, Brazil nuts, and pine nuts. But what are the benefits of nuts?

1. Weight Management 

Nuts have phytochemicals and nutrients that are hard to digest, which is why about 5 – 15% of the calories remain unabsorbed. This is also why even a handful of nuts help reduce hunger.

2. Antioxidant-Rich

The polyphenols in nuts neutralize free radicals, which otherwise cause damage as they are unstable molecules. This works because the polyphenols protect cells from damage.

3. Good for the Heart 

There are many reasons why nuts are good for your heart. To begin with, the kind of fat they contain is mainly unsaturated fats. Their high fiber and protein content like i-arginine helps bring down blood pressure and relax blood vessels.

Including nuts in your diet also helps maintain the lining of your arteries, cuts down plaque build-up, regulates cholesterol, and minimizes the risk of blood clots.


4. High-Fat Content 

Hold on, before you think this is super-hypocritical – read on. Most nuts contain a fat content between 46% – 76%. But wait, these are the good fats, which means they do more good for your health than otherwise. Nuts are low in saturated fats and are great for the gut and the heart. From short-chain omega-3 to alpha-lipoic acid, nuts have it all.

5. Nuts for Your Guts 

Ahem. Sad jokes aside, nuts are full of fiber, which automatically makes them lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease when consumed regularly. Due to their fiber content, nuts are also great for aiding digestion.

The polyphenols in nuts help the good bacteria that are present in your gut by helping them grow in number. From almonds to walnuts and cashew to pecan – unless you are allergic, there is no reason to stay away from these little powerhouses.

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