You Could Finally Stop Paying For That Landline You Never Use

Paying for a landline connection could soon become a thing of the past under proposals suggested by the culture minister.

Ed Vaizey said paying around £18 to £25 a month for line rental was “outdated”.

Describing the system as an “analogue billing system in a digital world,” he told the BBC: “If the companies come up with a different pricing structure, that is fine, as long as consumers can see what they are paying for.”

Vaizey is due to hold discussions with all major providers, including BT, Virgin, Sky and TalkTalk.

One in five households have to pay for a line rental despite not using their landlines.

“Some people want to get rid of their landline entirely and pay for their broadband” Vaizey added.

However, he also stressed that this could result in the rise of prices for other products.

BT appeared to play down the implications the discussion would have on pricing packages.

A company source told the Telegraph that the changes could simply mean  clearer pricing for broadband packages.

In May, new rules about how such packages are marketed will be introduced by Ofcom and ASA, the advertising watchdog.

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