2C or Not 2C: The First Live Broadcast of GPS CNAV Messages

2C or Not 2C: The First Live Broadcast of GPS CNAV Messages

Global Positioning System
Over the past several years, some users of the GPS navigation system have already benefitted from the addition of various new signals in addition to the legacy C/A- and P(Y)-code. With the introduction of the Block IIR-M satellites in 2005, a new civil …

Garmin puts Lake Winnebago on the GPS map

Global Positioning System
The goal is to make Garmin's marine GPS products more detailed than existing maps, said Garmin media relations specialist Wes Owen. The company has five survey vessels deployed around the United States mapping large bodies of water such as Lake …

Funding's iffy for GPS upgrade to air control

Global Positioning System
The plan, known as NextGen, replaces outdated radar-based technology with global positioning systems and digital communications to modernize the country's air control system. By allowing pilots to fly more direct routes and giving air traffic …

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