Nice Telephone System photos

Some cool telephone system images:

Manitoba Telephone System Map of Long Distance Pole Routes (1948)
telephone system
Image by Manitoba Historical Maps
Manitoba Telephone System. Manitoba Telephone System Map of Long Distance Pole Routes [map]. Scale not given. In: Manitoba Telephone System. Annual report of the Manitoba Telephone System for the fiscal year ending March 31st. Winnipeg: Manitoba Telephone System, 1948.

Shows M.T.S. Exchange, M.T.S. Toll Office; Connecting Systems Office. Rural pole lines not shown.

Related map: Manitoba Telephone System Map of Long Distance Pole Routes (1940)

Bell Telephone System — The nicest gift of all is a Long Distance call …item 1.. Ten Things Men Wish Women Knew — Ladies, it’s not complicated (December 23, 2011 / 27 Kislev 5772) …
telephone system
Image by marsmet543
We are simple creatures with simple needs. We don’t require elaborate dinners on fancy china. We just want the comfort of a warm home and the love of a good woman.
…….***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ……
…..item 1)…. … Ten Things Men Wish Women Knew …. The unadorned truth. Print it and refer to it often.

img code photo …. Ten Things Men Wish Women Knew

December 23, 2011 / 27 Kislev 5772

by Rabbi Dan Silverman

Ladies, it’s not complicated. And guys feel free to add your additional points in the comment sections below.

1) Just like women, we need love. Even though women have the reputation of being more emotionally needy, we find ourselves longing for those words. Please say them often.

2) Additionally we crave respect and approval. Show us admiration and your wish will be our command. Nag us or attack us and we will retreat to our caves.

3) We are not mind readers. We can’t anticipate your needs and desires. Tell us what you want. Help us out. We want to give to you but you need to tell us how. Don’t be coy; be straight. The proof of our love is not in our clairvoyance but in our response to your clearly expressed wishes.

4) We respect what a good mother you are and how much you do for the community, but we do not want to be at the bottom of your to-do list. We want to feel like we are the most important person in your life.
(Would you mind getting off the phone when we walk in the door?)

5) Our desire for physical intimacy is not some trivial biological need that we should just suppress until the kids are older. It is an expression of our desire for a deep and profound connection with you. When you rebuff it, it is hurtful and we feel rejected. Imagine if we are always too tired to talk to you…

6) Our jobs are important to us – for our self-worth, for a feeling of accomplishment, and because we want to provide for our families. Please try to understand that we work hard and are actually not on the golf course all day.

7) You seem to think we’re incompetent but we are actually capable of watching our children – and even doing a good job of it! If you want to have a break and get out of the house, please go – and trust us.

8) We are not another one of your children. Please don’t speak of us that way (we don’t think it’s cute) when talking with your friends, and please don’t treat us that way. It diminishes us and you.

9) We really wish we could give you all the material possessions your heart desires. It is painful to us that we can’t. Please don’t increase the pressure by constantly criticizing us about it.

10) We are simple creatures with simple needs. We don’t require elaborate dinners on fancy china. We just want the comfort of a warm home and the love of a good woman.

Click here to read "Ten Things Women Wish Men Knew."

Click here to download pdf file of both articles.

Telephone Systems
telephone system
Image by ladybugbkt
I really enjoy old signs….

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